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Free to play mobile game made in Unity.

3 Programmers (Camille Richard, Chadi Husser, Théo Sabattié) , 1 Game Designer (Louis Gaillard), 1 Sound Designer (Aristide Hersant-Prévert) and myself as the Game Artist.

Cosmic Revenge (former student project known as Planet's Revenge) won ISART DIGITAL's Jury Award (Best Art Direction, GamePlay and Technical Direction) given by professionals from the Video-Game industry.

Wake up planets and help them get rid of the little creatures with devastating powers! 

Student team: Camille Richard, Chadi Husser, Théo Sabattié, Aristide Hersant-Prévert, Aurélien Courbil, Louis Gaillard, Maureen Fradon, Alix LeTrividic, Guillaume Cazelles.

Coming soon on iOS and Android !



CosmicRevenge Trailer

CosmicRevenge Trailer

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Marketing Assets

Icon, Title, Banners, Store Images

3D Models Nias & Alien

Nias used for flyers, ingame Nias and Gatcha PiNiatas, Alien for PowerUp

UI Design

UI : Icons, FX, 3D models, animations

Currency Packs

Currency packs illustrations


Achievement Icons

Achievement Icons illustrations


Color & Lighting

Color, texturing for all of the environments.

Only 1 set of lights for all of the planets.

Full Environment: Coral & Snow

Concepts, color, texturing, 3D modeling (except from the rocket and volcano).

FX: Unity Particle Systems & Animations

Ingame FX

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